Case StudySmile
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Improving the appointment management App at Smile Dental Clinics.


  • User Interface Design

  • App Design

  • Front-End Development


  • Live Styleguide

  • High Fidelity Mockups

  • Interactive Prototypes

  • Responsive Front-End

Your brighter smile, meticulously designed and developed through our innovative app!

Our Challenge

A UX/UI case study for dental clinics medical appointments.

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Traditional dental care requires more than just oral hygiene maintenance and scheduled dental appointments. It requires effective and clear communication between dentists and their patients. In this case study, we created a system designed to provide dentists with the ability to close the communication gap by being able to manage their appointments and keep track of cancelations or changes.

Our Approach

The Approach to Enhance the Experience.

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Map Functionalities

By mapping out functionalities we define what screens need to be designed. It also helps us identify missing elos in the application flow which most often prove crucial to a good user experience and a happy user base.

Research & Wireframe

We start by wireframing the main screens for the flow of the app. This phase is especially important to validate the main functionalities on the screen rather than looking at graphic visuals that might only serve as a distraction.


Elevating Mobile Experience with Custom Frontend

Custom OutSystems Theme:

  • Created a theme that seamlessly replicated the design styles.

Advanced Calendar Component:

  • Month and week views
  • Intuitive swipe interactions for effortless navigation

Custom Pin Keyboard:

  • Secure and user-friendly login experience

These custom components and them exemplify our commitment to delivering tailored, high-quality solutions that enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

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Onboarding Experience

Onboarding flows are an awesome way to ease our users into your newly created experiences. They are seamless explanations of recent features or first time users. We decided to create this to achieve a better first-time experience.

The Outcome

The Final User Interface.


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